
145th Mar 2014portfolio

14 Comments Flux des commentaires

  1. [email protected] (22/12/2014, 10:57).

  2. Youngmi (10/03/2015, 13:06).

    dit:Just to start it off the Dynamo Crew that I am working with on the Nationals is AWESOME! What a great group of plopee. They are tireless in their efforts to try to and introduce some new elements to the Nationals mix, and make this a great experience for volunteers, and fun and memorable event for competitors alike. Looking forward with some trepidation, but also lots of enthusiasm, to Nationals weekend; and perhaps even more to the day AFTER Nationals weekend

  3. Singduekawasan (24/03/2015, 16:55).

    I don’t think Curt would have much of a shot winning any eoteciln. Is there anyone out there who actually likes him? For all he did for Boston, still every Boston fan I know doesn’t really like him, they just respond to questions with something like, well, I’m really happy for what he helped accomplish for us, but he should shut his mouth because he’s an idiot.As for Moose in Hall, I guess it makes sense that he not get in if we look at his peers who will be getting nominated around the same time- Maddux, Smoltz, Glavine, Randy Johnson, Clemens, Pedro. Those are all guys who were incredibly dominant. Moose, as great as he was, just wasn’t in that league. While I have never thought much of Glavine, he does have the magic number and that’s what counts to get him over the hump. As far as Moose playing on the Orioles in the 90s and Yankees in the 2000s, that’s true that that probably helped him get some wins, but it’s also true that pitching in the AL East probably took away it’s fair share of wins from him. Facing at various times the Sox, Yankees, Orioles, and Blue Jays is not an easy task- far more difficult than playing in other divisions. This is the premier offense division and probably always will be.Side note: if Moose shouldn’t get in before Blyleven- should Schilling get in before him? Or before Jack Morris for that matter? Schilling’s got the 3000+ strikeouts, but he doesn’t have the win total of Moose or Blyleven (who also has more Ks, as do Clemens, the Unit, Maddux, and Pedro). He also has the postseason record, making him similar to Morris. If you put those together does it make him Hall worthy? I don’t know. I think right now people think he and Moose should get in, but in five years from now, with some perspective, I think people will answer no.’

  4. cheap viagra (25/03/2015, 14:51).

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  11. (25/09/2015, 20:01).

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  13. (10/10/2015, 19:10).

    Great insight! That’s the answer we’ve been looking for.

  14. (10/10/2015, 19:16).

    Okay I’m convinced. Let’s put it to action.

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